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Online Freelancers’ Best Practices
1. Upskilling.
The demands of the online freelancing industry continue to evolve; thus, the need to upgrade one’s skill is not a choice but a must. Therefore, workers on this setup have this ultimate fondness for upskilling themselves as dictated by this job. Online freelancers have high regard for the importance of upskilling.
They upskill themselves by joining webinars/seminars, training, and conferences, which could add to their career ladder. These training may be available for free from the government through the Department of Information, Communication, and Technology (DICT) and the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI).
Enriching their portfolios is essential because that is how they make themselves marketable. For online freelancers, personal branding is vital, and one way of carving an excellent and reputable personal brand is continuous and consistent upskilling progress.
2. Network Building.
Network in the online freelancing industry means connections (operational, strategic, or personal) that could help online freelancers further their careers.
As online freelancers, establishing and maintaining these networks is fundamental to success in this industry. Networks make their job-hunting easier because they offer a multitude of opportunities when a contract ends
So, online freelancers are keen to establish and maintain these connections.
3. Cultivating Self-Reliance.
To be an online freelancer means to be a “one-man-band;” thus, being self-reliant is a trait one must possess to venture into this type of work setup. Unlike in the traditional workplace, problems that may arise within the contract timeframe are directed only to the online freelancers’ attention without any external aid.
Hence, these independent workers were trained to be problem-solvers and critical thinkers, which are prerequisites to becoming self-reliant. Online freelancers put a premium on acquiring skills needed to navigate the challenges in the industry.
Start-up Tips and Recommendations for Online Freelancing
1. Be patient.
For online freelancing newbies, patience is part of the starters’ pack. Getting that first contract is just as hard as passing that first job interview. If not prepared, being a freelancer is hard, and there will be many losses along the way. You must prepare your mind, heart, and soul for this.
Hence, patience is a required trait if one is serious about getting a life out of freelancing. Online freelancing is not a job of “crystal stair.” There will be rejections, and sometimes lots of them. But rejections are part of growth. Therefore, instill patience as you course through finding that first client, sending applications, and dealing with the precarity of this endeavor.
2. Find your niche and focus on it.
To thrive in the online freelancing industry, you must know your potential and be good at it. You must be aware of your niche so that you can focus on one skill to market. If you know your niche and focus on it, you can be an expert, and clients will be delighted; therefore, you will get paid on time and regularly.
A jack of all trades is a good thing. However, it decreases one’s chance of being an expert in a particular skill. Clients prefer freelancers who can provide excellent service, which means an expert in the field is more marketable. To find your niche, focus on your strength and passion. In this way, developing it would not be a daunting task.
3. Familiarize yourself with freelancing sites.
Knowledge of credible freelancing sites gives newbies a vantage point in the industry. It gives you the idea of where to market yourselves and what pricing to make for the service or skill you are offering.
Also, knowledge of the processes of these sites will give you the edge to gain credibility in your craft.
4. Join online freelancing community for support.
Experience is the best teacher, but for online freelancing newbies yet to unravel this industry, others’ experiences can be a source of wisdom and support. Hence, one must acquaint himself with a pool of online freelancers who have been in the industry for some time. Their wisdom brought about by their experiences in the field could support those still mastering the processes of such.
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